An Ancient Chinese Practice
A manual therapy focusing on the feet, has recently enjoyed a surge in popularity as a modern holistic therapy to relieve pain and stress. Reflexologists believe that different areas on your feet and hands correspond to other parts of your body, and massaging them stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system to heal itself. For 3,000 years Chinese practitioners have used reflexology to re-balance QI (the life force flowing through energy channels) to treat a number of conditions. It can work alongside conventional Western medical medicine to promote healing and improve well-being and vitality.

What does it involve?
On your initial consultation, your reflexologist may ask you about your medical history, health issues, lifestyle and diet. They will then apply painless pressure to your feet using their thumb and forefinger to identify which areas of your body aren’t functioning properly, sessions usually last 45 to 60 minutes and focus on the soles of your feet, unless you are very ticklish, in which case they can massage your hands. Some reflexologists use five or six sessions to treat specific health conditions and you do not have to undress.
How does it work?
Reflexology is based on the Chinese principle that certain areas on the soles of your feet or hands – known as reflex zones – containing millions of nerve endings, correspond to other parts of the body. Around 3,000 years ago, Asian practitioners were massaging hands and feet applying pressure to certain points to stimulate organs, nerve endings and energy pathways to promote health, says O’Connell. Though reflexology works on different principles to Western medicine, and there is little scientific evidence to back up its effectiveness, my clients say that their general health and well-being improves. The Chinese believe that reflexology stimulates the body into healing itself by improving circulation, reducing stress, pain and restoring natural balance. A therapist may massage your big toe and ankle to calm your endocrine and reproductive system, helping relieve PMS or menopausal symptoms.

Can Reflexology Help?
Reflexology practitioners believe that by massaging the feet in certain places, toxins can be removed from the body, circulation can be improved and the endocrine system that regulates hormone production can be brought into balance, all of which are said to help promote fertility.
However, reflexology is also known for its ability to relieve tension and promote the ability to sleep, all of which can help minimise the stresses that are so often associated with trying to get pregnant it is possible that it may indirectly help you conceive by reducing stress and generally making your body a better place to grow a baby. All in all, there is no guarantee that it will work however if you are open to more alternative therapies and enjoy having your feet massaged, it may be worth giving it a try.